LiFE program
LiFE (Learning in Fostering Environment) is a self-development program based on personal experience, sharing accommodation with others and the world, focuses on the present time and prepare for future plans, so that students, with the support of teachers and other educational institution, can understand and solve different problems in life. This is a curricular subject at The Olympia Schools, which is as important as other subjects. We are proud to be one of the pioneer institutions in Vietnam to integrate this program in our curriculum.
This program consists of 3 main parts:
- Homeroom/School advisor
- Student activities
- Themed LiFE programs
This program is designed to promote 4 abilities and 7 virtues of students:
Noticeable differences of LiFE program at The Olympia Schools
Compulsory subject
No longer an experiential activity, LiFE is now considered to be equally important as other curricular subjects, in order to promote the comprehensive development of students’ qualities and abilities.
Our teachers
Working at The Olympia Schools are professional teachers, who always understand the needs and competencies of each student.
Diversely designed curriculum
A wide range of topics suitable for students in each grade and age group are created by Vietnamese and foreign experts based on scientific basis
LiFE program is created to be suitable for each level of education
Primary school
Middle school
High school
Teacher-organized activities
Student-organized activities
Themed education
Workshops (Student’s self-registration)
Teacher-organized activities
Themed education
Teacher-organized activities
Themed education
Student-organized activities
Workshops (Student’s self-registration)
Featured events