Academic pathway

Olympia's educational philosophy is based on progressive educational ideas, in line with liberal education philosophy and breakthrough trends of advanced educational environments in the world.

Learn to mature with autonomy, creativity and responsibility.


Learn to harmoniously develop personality, maximize individual potential.

Life direction

Learn to create personal, family and social life together.

The wide variety of Bilingual and International Programs at Olympia help personalize the learning path for students and fit each family's orientation.


  • Bilingual Program

Primary school

  • Bilingual Program

Middle school

  • Bilingual Program

High school

  • Bilingual Program
  • International Dual Degree Program
  • IB - DP International Baccalaureate Program
Development roadmap
(4-5 years old)

Respecting diversity, students have the right to express their voices in a physically and emotionally safe environment.

(Grades 1-4)
Open up

Through nurturing curiosity, creativity and opening up opportunities for experience, Olympia Primary maintains children's love for the learning journey, from which learning becomes the self-motivation of students. Students are guided to reflect and understand themselves, pride themselves on personal values, and have autonomy in decision making - important foundations before becoming a global citizen.

Middle School
(Grades 5-8)

Academic content increases, students learn knowledge and skills close to life. Critical thinking is promoted. Students get acquainted with interdisciplinary learning, from which students have the ability to analyze, evaluate multi-dimensionally and propose solutions to problems of life around them.

High School
(Grades 9-12)

Learning in high school is highly personalized through a division program, a range of electives, and a process of career counseling and resume preparation. Large-scale and unique interdisciplinary learning projects unique, with rich national and international experience opportunities, helping students develop to their fullest potential.

Our Programs

Olympia Bilingual Program

As a Vietnamese school, the academic curriculum at The Olympia Schools is guaranteed to fully cover the national compulsory educational program. At the same time, we selectively absorb the quintessence of international education.

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International Program

Olympia offers 3 International Programs: Dual Degree Program, American International Program and International Baccalaureate (IB) Program.

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International Diploma Program

Students enrolled in the Dual Degree Program will receive two Vietnamese and American diplomas.

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International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

The internationally recognized International Baccalaureate (IB) program is designed with the goal of providing the holistic development of students aged 3 to 19. Olympia is the first bilingual school in Vietnam licensed to implement the IB program.

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