
CAS in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB-DP)

06 December, 2023

With the educational philosophy of “Go global”, Olympia continuously provides students with unique learning experiences that can create a positive impact on the world around them. One of these experiences is CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service), the extracurricular activity of Olympians in the IB Diploma Program (DP), one of the three core subjects of the IB-DP and a compulsory subject to complete the IB Diploma. 

CAS requires students to complete extracurricular activities and community service projects. These activities require students to observe, research, and raise awareness of social issues, and then take action to make positive changes in their communities. CAS is an opportunity for students to explore and develop their potential, as well as to develop practical skills such as planning, decision-making, and teamwork. 

The aim of all forms of CAS activity is to recruit intelligent, compassionate, and curious youth who will contribute to the building of a better and more peaceful world. Additionally, to produce enthusiastic and engaged students who are lifelong learners and can appreciate others' differences 

Our vision at Olympia is to have students who view self-determination and collaboration with others as opportunities, creating a sense of accomplishment and happiness through their work that also benefits the less fortunateEach letter of the subject CAS represents one of the main attributes of our actions. Creativity is about doing artistic and creative activities. Activity is actively doing actions that bring changes. And Service is doing work that helps the community. 

Bike-washing project of Olympians 11DP

In the classroom, students of DP10 and DP11 do CAS very differently. Students of DP11 work on their CAS projects independently while students of DP10 are doing an introduction to IB as a whole and will work on their CAS projects as a team. For CAS last year, the current DP11 students organized a bike wash event to raise money for Blue Dragon which provided an opportunity for us to engage in community service. It was a fun and rewarding experience, as we can see the positive impact we are having on their community. By organizing and participating in bike wash event, we demonstrated our commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being. 

Green Team from 10DP Olympians

In the 2023-2024, Olympians 10DP founded the Green Team to carry out the “Go green” (Sustainable recycling) project at Olympia.  With the support from Ms Shannon Koga and the Junk&Go recycling company, the Green Team spread the message of sustainable recycling to the entire Olympia community. In the next semester, these students will conduct research on organizations that protect children and the environment to continue spreading positive messages to the community. 


In conclusion, our CAS class has been a transformative journey, encompassing diverse activities such as bike wash and the Green Team, which have not only equipped us with practical skills but also instilled a sense of responsibility toward our community and the environment. As we anticipate the challenges and opportunities of the next semester, the overarching purpose of CAS has become clear - to foster holistic development by integrating creativity, activity, and service. Our experiences underscore the value of collective effort, sustainability, and the broader impact of our actions. Moving forward, we carry with us a commitment to applying these principles in our lives, contributing meaningfully to society, and embracing the ethos of global citizenship.


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