
Olympians Grade 3 "Send love through the wind"

05 January, 2024

How to spread positive messages to the community?

The project "Send love through the wind" is a cross-disciplinary project involving LiFE (Learning in Fostering Environment course), Fine Arts, Vietnamese, Mathematics, and Science. Here, Olympians in Grade 3 applied their knowledge, skills, and lessons learned in class to creatively produce products that spread positive messages to the community. These products are postcards adorned with vibrant and creative drawings, accompanied by poems or messages conveying love that the Olympians have composed.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 2 người, trẻ em, đồ chơi trẻ em và văn bản
Olympians Grade 3 with their lovely postcards. 

With the guidance of their teachers, after a month of implementation through three main stages: content creation, illustration design, and finalization, the colorful postcards carrying thoughtful messages are ready to "send love through the wind", continuing their mission to fly further and spread positive values to the community.

The first stop for the " Send love through the wind" is the library of Truong Yen Middle School in Ninh Binh province. Along with carefully packaged books by Olympians in Grade 3, the "Send love through the wind" postcards will be surprising and meaningful gifts for students in Ninh Binh province.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người, trẻ em, mọi người đang học, đồ chơi trẻ em và văn bản

Following the winter wind, the messages of kindness from Olympians in Grade 3 also touch the hearts of many parents. Ms. Lam Oanh, parent of Olympian Lam An, proudly displays these lovely postcards at Twitter Beans Coffee chain. With the message "Receive a postcard - Send a bit of love," visitors to the café can freely observce and use these postcards, and donate as they wish. All proceeds from contributions of customers will be donated to the project "Hundred Libraries - One Dream" that Olympia is currently implementing.

Let’s admire the lovely and kind postcards that Olympians in Grade 3 have " sent love through the wind" and spread these positive values to more communities.


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