
Learn smart. Be agile. Empathize

25 September, 2021

[2021-2022 School year] LEARN SMART. BE AGILE. EMPATHIZE.
Learn smart. Be agile. Emphathize



This weekend, sets of textbooks and learning materials have been packed by staffs to quickly be delivered to more than 1,000 Olympian families. Next week, we are entering a new school year, which is the first one starting online. The 2021-2022 school year will continue to challenge us all as much as the previous school year, so learning smart and continuously adapting with an open, empathetic heart are essential for all Olympian students, teachers and staffs.

The theme of the school year 2021-2022 of Olympian teachers and students is: Learn smart. Be agile. Empathize.

#Learnsmart: Smart learning, smart methods, smart environments and media.
Learning and working are said to be smart with the assistance of modern technology tools and platforms so that the social distancing context cannot interrupt the process of teaching and learning and school operation.
Olympia strives for all members to be always ready for working remotely, for students to engage in hybrid learning, which in turn helps stabilize and advance teaching and learning quality regardless of the pandemic or post-pandemic situations and direct learning or online learning

##Beagile: Flexibly adapt to the circumstances
All schools in the country are entering the third school year affected by Covid-19. Agility has officially become one of the new core values of The Olympia Schools. In such a VUCA world, flexibility and agility enable both individuals and the organizations to maintain and grow. Olympian team have shown readiness for changes and new tasks, which is the premise for the journey of developing agility in generations of Olympian students.

#Empathize: Empathy and sharing
Each person, each family, each organization is challenged with the unstable condition. Empathy and sharing are good abilities which are inherent in every human being and need activating more strongly than ever before. Thus, Olympian teachers, students and community, together with the wider community out there, can overcome challenges. Together we care, together we can!
Let’s start a new school year which motivates us to grow much more!

#Learnsmart #Beagile #Empathize.


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