
Olympians High School study history with Lieutenant General Pham Tuan

11 March, 2024

In order to provide a realistic perspective on the heroic resistance of our people against the United States empire and its collaborators during the years 1954-1975, History teachers organized a special class for Olympians to interact with a historical witness. This special figure was Lieutenant General Pham Tuan, a hero of the People's Armed Forces, who directly participated in the fight and was the first Vietnamese pilot to shoot down the "flying fortress" B52.

During the exchange session, Olympians listened to vivid factual stories about the context and unfolding of the heroic and poignant resistance against the U.S. imperialists, especially the "Dien Bien Phu in the air" battle. Through the expert's sharing, they gained a deeper understanding of the significance of the victory in "Dien Bien Phu in the air" (1972), and also came to appreciate the contributions and sacrifices of previous generations, valuing the price of peace paid with blood and bones by our people.

"Determination in fulfilling tasks," "having skills and a creative mind," and "sometimes requiring boldness" were the "tips" for success in the military career shared by Lieutenant General Pham Tuan that left a strong impression on Olympians. These were also lessons that the 77-year-old General wanted to convey to future generations, expressing faith in a peaceful and beautiful world that they could contribute to.

Closing the special and highly spirited class with a historical witness, Olympians eagerly look forward to the nextactivities of the Global Connect program, anticipating more opportunities to exchange and learn from experts in various fields and industries.


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