
Olympians K9 in a learning experience at Hoa Lo historical site

20 February, 2024

In the 9th-grade History program, students have studied the history of Vietnam from 1919 to the present, with a focus on two notable resistance movements against French colonialism and American imperialism. With the aim of providing Olympians with a multi-dimensional and multi-modal approach to knowledge through various channels, the History Department organized an experiential learning activity at Hoa Lo Historical Site.

Located in the heart of Hanoi, Hoa Lo Historical Site, one of the largest prisons in Indochina in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, offered Olympians a profound insight into a glorious and arduous period of national history.

After offering incense at the memorial for fallen heroes, the K9 Olympians were divided into three groups to explore, listen, and take notes about this historical site. The atmosphere and the self-learning spirit of the students were fully exploited. Detailed photographs and carefully recorded stories rolled on until they boarded the bus back to school.

This experience not only facilitated active and effective learning for the Olympians but also, based on the exploration of historical artifacts, helped them understand and appreciate the values of their ancestors' struggles, the importance of peace, and the freedom of the nation.


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